My Philly firsts

#1 sharing space #AWP22 with an SF legend #samuelrdelaney #Afrofuturism #2 viewed liberty’s crack #3 amazed at the power of objects: cups & saucers & spoons China Wedge (1994) by Mei-Ling Hom

Blue Door

I’ve always wanted a blue door. My front door is painted black. Not green or orange, but jet black. There is nothing on my door to ward off an evil eye. No knocker to say you’ve arrived. My black door is cool.  But it’s not blue.

Missing Morocco

I miss Morocco.  The breadth and call five times a day.  The men who almost look like me, their hair like mine.  I miss the push of the street, the meat, the vegetables, the village dust.  I miss the mint tea, the no protein for breakfast but perhaps a little yoghurt and an egg.  I …